Friday, August 13, 2010
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Monday, November 2, 2009
Cooper is 4 weeks old
We went to the doctor 2 days after we got out of the hospital and he weighed the exact same as when we left the hospital at 6 lbs 10 oz. Then we went back one week later and Cooper had gained 13 oz weighing in at 7 lbs 7 oz. He had eaten very well! We go back this week on Thursday for his one month check up - I think we'll find that he's gained a few pounds. We are now out of newborn diapers, he is too big for them now!
Tim was off for two weeks and we had a great time visiting with all kinds of family and friends, it was wonderful. The past couple of weeks it has mostly just been Cooper and me at home, and that's been pretty good too. Stephanie and Andrew are home when not at school, work or other activities and they are loving playing with their little brother. "Playing" consists of holding him, but as time goes on he'll be more playful for real.
When Cooper was 10 days old we took him to get his "newborn" pictures taken at JCPenney, and they turned out so good, he was sleeping and he's hard to wake up, so we only have a couple of shots with his eyes open, but that's ok, he was adorable anyway!
Speaking of sleeping..... We've had a rough time with Cooper having his days and nights mixed up, until this past Friday night. He has actually started sleeping much better at night lately, I am so thankful for that too, because I was getting really really worn out and spending most of the daytime doing nothing but sitting around. If dinner was prepared it was amazing!
This weekend we are going to go down south for the weekend for my Dad's birthday celebration. We'll also visit with Nana and Cooper's Grandma Heil, but Saturday will be reserved for Papaw Smith and Grandpa Smith and Uncle Craig, Aunt Casey and Cousins Larissa and Layne.
Cooper Pictures
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Cooper is born!!!
He is an adorable baby, but then again, I'm pretty biased! Here is a link to some photos:
The induction process took a long time yesterday, we started at 7am, arriving at the hospital and starting the monitoring of baby before the pitocin could start.
Once the pitocin started, we were progressing slowly and so the doctor decided to break my water at 11:55am.
I was finally ready to start pushing at 7:40 and we (Tim, my wonderful nurse Melissa & doctor) pushed until just about 9:30 pm when Cooper's heart rate started dropping. They had me take an oxygen mask and this got his heart rate up, this happened 3 times, and finally we weren't progressing enough and the doctor decided she didn't want his heart rate dropping anymore. So at 10, we start the vaccuum delivery process. I pushed 3 more times and my baby boy was born!
We didn't move from the labor/delivery/recovery room until almost 2am. When we finally got our room service delivered and got Cooper fed one last time, it was 4am before we got to bed. We were at 22.5 hours without sleep. I'm not sure how I ever stayed up such long hours when I was a kid. Crazy!
We had many visitors yesterday and today. Many people love this young man, and we are thankful to have such great friends and family! God is good!!
We still haven't gotten much sleep, only about 3 hours since yesterday morning at 5:30, so we hope tonight will be much much better and that we get some good rest. We should be going home on Tuesday morning bright and early.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
38 weeks
Week 38!
We go into the hospital on Saturday to start the induction process – that is if the little one hasn’t arrived by then on his own!
This week has progressed pretty slowly for me; I guess because it’s like waiting for Christmas day as a kid, time goes so slowly up to the big event.
We accomplished quite a bit around the house last weekend. Lots of grocery shopping and getting things ready for Cooper to come home with us. We did some cooking to put things in the freezer so that we’d be ready for his arrival.
Tuesday, I went to the doctor and found out that I was 3 cm dilated and 70% effaced, so I do not have to go to the hospital on Friday night as originally planned. My body has naturally taken care of the cervix preparation that would have happened on Friday night. I am to arrive at the hospital by 7 a.m. on Saturday!
The rest of this week was busy at work getting ready for being gone for 12 weeks – also getting the month end process completed – that is always a fun process.
I am ready, SO ready for him to be here. I am hoping and praying for an easy labor and delivery, I have nothing to compare this to – only words and advice from other mothers. I cannot wait to meet our baby boy. Tim cannot wait either. My emotions are in high gear, I am so excited and nervous about being a good mommy. I just want everything to be ok for Cooper. I want him to have a good life and I hope that I can provide that for him.
Cooper James – you are so loved already – I cannot wait for you to arrive and meet so many people who love and care about you! I hope someday you know how lucky you are to have such a great group of people, family and friends who care about you and love you!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
37 Weeks! Full Term!
Last weekend, we didn't do much. We did some major relaxing and it was much needed! Friday night was Stephanie's birthday and we went to Olive Garden with a couple of her friends and it was fun! Saturday and Sunday we slept in pretty late and did some cleaning and grocery shopping, but it was a wonderfully relaxing weekend!
Andrew had county tournament on Tuesday and Wednesday after school, his team won against Speedway on Tuesday and then lost yesterday against Park Tudor. They play again on Saturday, just a regular match, against Ben Davis.
Stephanie has been really busy this week, not home many evenings. She's got lots going on these days! Busy busy girl!
On Tuesday when I saw the doctor, I had the non-stress test on Cooper and he was such a good boy, kicking when he needed to and gave the nurse a good baseline heart beat, which he hadn't done in awhile. The doctor checked me and I found out that I am two cm dialated and so we could possibly go any time, but we hope that Cooper stays in there until next Friday night.
Today the wonderful people that I work with took me out to lunch. We went to Bravo! (my favorite restaurant) for lunch, and they gave me gifts! I cannot wait for Cooper to meet these fine, fine people!
Tim had a DR test today, and I guess it went pretty well, because he was back home before I made it home for this night. He usually stays at DR very late and today he was home early! That's great!
Tomorrow I will go back to the doctor for another non stress test. The rest of the weekend we'll see what happens, I hope we do a bit of cooking and cleaning, but other than that, who knows. It is our last weekend without a little baby around. I'm SO EXCITED for my baby boy to arrive! LIFE IS WONDERFUL!!! Little Cooper James, I love you already and cannot wait to hold you in my arms! :)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
36 Weeks
Last weekend was fun! Erica threw me a baby shower at her house for all of my close friends, I had a great time and hope they all did too! I am such a lucky girl to have such great friends, I wish that everyone could have made it, but for those who did, THANK YOU! We received many goodies from folks at the shower; I’ve got some pictures below.
This week has been pretty good, not a ton going on more than usual. Tim and I met with a potential baby-sitter on Tuesday night, we liked her and we may go with her but hope to do a bit of shopping around before we make our final decision. Wednesday night we made a trip to Sam’s club to pick up a ton of diapers, wipes and a few other things that we needed.
Tonight we are going to a consignment sale at the Hamilton County Fairgrounds; it is called the Indy Kids Consignment Sale. We get to go tonight because we are expecting a baby and they gave us a pass, so exciting! I hope we find several things at good prices!
Andrew has had tennis matches on Tuesday and also one tonight, he won on Tuesday, but the team didn’t. I hope he wins tonight too! GOOD LUCK CHUCK! Stephanie has been pretty busy this week, she had a funny dream about Cooper growing up really fast last night; I hope he doesn’t grow up that fast!
I guess that’s it for this week, Steph’s 20th birthday is tomorrow so we’re all going out to Olive Garden to celebrate! HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEPHANIE!!!